5 more packing tips for the Perennially Over-Packed

“Oh…is this yours?”

I wish “carry on” referred to a passenger’s ability to actually carry their bags onto the plane, because if that were the case, I’d start lifting weights tomorrow.


Can I get a show of hands from my fellow packing-challenged girls (you are not alone!)? My flight to Vancouver doesn’t leave until tomorrow afternoon, but knowing how I am about packing, I should probably start now!

You know the saying, “everything but the kitchen sink”? Yeah, forget that. I’m not leaving without the sink. but seriously, I tend to over-pack.

I think I’ve gotten a little better lately, though. had one two many close calls with lost luggage, and out of principle I refuse to pay the extra check-in fees the airlines charge (what a racket!).


Katter og sminke -sweatshirt ??

42 dollar

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Things like e-packing lists have helped streamline the packing process, but I’m always on the market for new tips, like these, which I gleaned from a travel segment on the Today show last week (which I originally recorded for the NKOTB/BSB live concert performance)…

1. If it won’t fit, wear it

With carry-on space at a premium, wear as many of your bulky items on the plane as you can, like heavy jackets, platform shoes, etc. Not only will you save space in your bag, but since planes tend to be a little chilly, the extra layers should help keep you warm.

2. The goal is containment

Don’t forget those nooks and crannies. fill any spaces created by larger items with smaller things to save space. For instance, underwear can be rolled up and placed into the cup of a bra, or a bathing suit (or socks) can be rolled up and inserted in a tennis shoe.

3. stuff that clutch!

If you plan to bring a clutch purse with you, use every cubic inch of space. It may not hold a lot, but it might be a good place for something small and valuable, like jewelry.

4. It’s the serpentine belt

Even rolled up, belts can take a lot of room. try snaking them along the inside perimeter of your bag (I this one!).

5. Gonna get rolled

To eek out even more room from your luggage, roll your clothes instead of folding them, and secure them with rubber bands to keep everything in its place.

You got the right stuff? Baby?

Så. about that KNOTB/BSB concert, I was thinking about getting tickets, but after seeing them live on the Today Show, I dunno. It was kinda weird watching a bunch of grown men kick from the left to the right the same way a bunch of boys did 20 years ago. Yeah, the kicks certainly weren’t as high or enthusiastic as they used to be, LOL! Don’t forget those stretches, guys!

For even more travel beauty tips try…

Pack It Up (I’ll Take It): packing tips and Greetings from the Bay Area

Which Skin care products go with You When You Travel?

3 simple travel beauty Tips

You must Choose: The travel Edition

Makeup storage for traveling and Vacation; makeup and beauty Blog’s travel makeup List

Oh, and when Jordan Knight busted out the falsetto in I’ll Be Loving You, I’m not kidding — Tabs flexed his ears and ran from the room!

Watch your cat around the 2-minute mark


Have you been thinking about seeing the show, or have you seen it already?

Din vennlige skjønnhetsavhengig, rusavhengig,


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